At Ahluwalia Law Associates, we understand the importance of protecting your Intellectual Property, whether it is your brand name, invention or design and if used correctly, the commercial advantages which can be gained by their protection. From strategic advice through to registration, our lawyers can provide clear, straightforward and commercial advice all areas of Intellectual Property and Trade Mark Law for both India and internationally. Together with our vast network of international associates, we have the ability to prosecute and protect Intellectual Property rights no matter where your business takes you.

Our lawyers can also assist you with general commercial legal advice for your business. Contact us today to see how we can help you.


A trademark distinguishes your products and services from those of your competitors. Trademarks can comprise one or more words, a design or a combination of these. It may also be packaging of goods slogans, sound or scent.

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Patents give the patentee the exclusive right to use, and license others to use, the patented invention. They also encourage innovation and attract investment in a wide range of areas. Three basic criteria must be met in order for your product or method to be patentable, the invention must:

Novelty: It must not be known to the public anywhere in the world before the filing date of the patent application.

Must involve an inventive step: It must differ significantly from what is known before the filing date of the patent application

Be capable of industrial application.

Services Include:


Different kinds of works under copyright Act

Artistic Work: 'Artistic Work' means a painting, sculpture, a drawing, an engraving or photograph

Dramatic work: 'Dramatic Work' includes any piece for recitation, choreographic work or entertainment

Literary Work: The term 'Literary Work' refers to any literary writings, as well as computer programs, tables, compilations and computer databases

Musical work: 'Musical work' means a work consisting of music and includes any graphical notation of such work, but does not include any words or any action intended to be sung, spoken or performed with the music

Cinematograph films: Means any work of visual recording and includes a sound recording accompanying such visual recording

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Design registrations protect the shape, pattern or configuration of an object. 

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Ahluwalia Law Associates today is focused on the technology of tomorrow. Continuous innovation is essential if organizations want to take full advantage of new opportunities, making it crucial for companies to become more efficient and creative in how they develop, source, and use technology.

We at Ahluwalia Law Associates are providers of a full range of technology law services for leading businesses worldwide.

Our lawyers provide both litigation-related (contentious) and strategic commercial advice to a wide range of industry sectors, helping clients from emerging technology, media, e-commerce and starts up companies to achieve their objectives wherever they do business.

Ahluwalia Law Associates works advises a vast rage of clients on information technology, outsourcing, data privacy, data protection, due diligence, information management, communications and mobility issues — designing compliance programs to protect critical business interests and using novel structures for new technology offerings.

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